I will spare you the gross details and just say I'd
like to get better asap.
So someone backed into my car on Monday.
But it looks like there is an upside...their insurance company
will probably give me more than I need to fix it.
So that's nice. And plus it's still drivable,
so really where is the downside?
I mean besides it kind of being a pain that my car
temporarily looks like trash and I have to take it to get fixed.
There are only twenty five days left of school.
Twenty five days left of my first year of college.
And only thirty days until I will be flying with my fam
to beautiful, sunny Mexico.
I can't even explain how excited I am.
Whenever I tell people at school I'm going to Mexico,
they assume it's for a missions trip.
But I guess that's a legitimate question in the Christian culture.
A huge storm just started outside!
Like it's windy and blowing and raining.I love rain sounds. :)
However, I have learned that on Eastern campus,
when it rains, it pours.
The paths flood and umbrellas don't help one bit.
I just invested in some bright red rain boots
(the yellow ones weren't available in my size :[ )
and I think a rain coat is coming next.
Okay, so I'm just rambling now.
But I want to share some Easter pictures.
Easter is my absolute favorite holiday.
I love the religious and secular traditions,
although the religious ones are why it's my favorite.
It's at the perfect time of the year, right when spring is coming.
And people don't build it up quite as much, like they do
with Christmas. So there is no way that it
can't live up to your expectations.
I hope your Easter was good. :)
We had an egg dying party with Ryan and Haley's
neighborhood friends and some of my friends, too.
These are my creations...
This was our dinner and Haley trying to look like a bird.
I think she thought the ham was a turkey and she was
flapping her wings like a turkey.
I decided to make carrot cake for dessert.
I think baking is so much fun and this turned out
pretty good. :)
My poor car...
So I thought I had better pictures, but my camera
died during break, so I just have phone pictures.
On Easter night, me, Therese, Kelsey, and Alyssa
went to the beach. We walked in the sand
until our feet were frozen, then we walked the pier.
We always forget to bring a sharpie to write our names!
We spent a good hour swinging at the park, too.
It reminded me of the summer and how close it is.
I can't wait for it to be here.
It's definitely the best time of the year.
Full of sun and adventure and possibilities.
It will be here soon!
always love,
like to get better asap.
So someone backed into my car on Monday.
But it looks like there is an upside...their insurance company
will probably give me more than I need to fix it.
So that's nice. And plus it's still drivable,
so really where is the downside?
I mean besides it kind of being a pain that my car
temporarily looks like trash and I have to take it to get fixed.
There are only twenty five days left of school.
Twenty five days left of my first year of college.
And only thirty days until I will be flying with my fam
to beautiful, sunny Mexico.
I can't even explain how excited I am.
Whenever I tell people at school I'm going to Mexico,
they assume it's for a missions trip.
But I guess that's a legitimate question in the Christian culture.
A huge storm just started outside!
Like it's windy and blowing and raining.I love rain sounds. :)
However, I have learned that on Eastern campus,
when it rains, it pours.
The paths flood and umbrellas don't help one bit.
I just invested in some bright red rain boots
(the yellow ones weren't available in my size :[ )
and I think a rain coat is coming next.
Okay, so I'm just rambling now.
But I want to share some Easter pictures.
Easter is my absolute favorite holiday.
I love the religious and secular traditions,
although the religious ones are why it's my favorite.
It's at the perfect time of the year, right when spring is coming.
And people don't build it up quite as much, like they do
with Christmas. So there is no way that it
can't live up to your expectations.
I hope your Easter was good. :)
We had an egg dying party with Ryan and Haley's
neighborhood friends and some of my friends, too.
These are my creations...

I think she thought the ham was a turkey and she was
flapping her wings like a turkey.

I think baking is so much fun and this turned out
pretty good. :)

died during break, so I just have phone pictures.
On Easter night, me, Therese, Kelsey, and Alyssa
went to the beach. We walked in the sand
until our feet were frozen, then we walked the pier.
We always forget to bring a sharpie to write our names!
We spent a good hour swinging at the park, too.
It reminded me of the summer and how close it is.
I can't wait for it to be here.
It's definitely the best time of the year.
Full of sun and adventure and possibilities.
It will be here soon!
always love,
"I long to taste adventure, like the nature of the sea,
always moving, always hiding all the creatures from beneath."
-the classic crime, 'who needs air'
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