I love the summer.
It's my absolute favorite season.
The warm weather, the thunderstorms, the freedom of no school,
going to the beach, picnics, laying in the grass, walking barefoot,
bike rides, bonfires, summer camp.
I could go on and on. I also like summer foods.
Zucchini, summer squash, watermelon, lemonade, iced tea,
shish kebabs, pulled pork sandwiches, s'mores, fruit salad, hot dogs.
So many bright colors and fresh tastes. :)
Over the past couple of years, I've really enjoyed cooking and baking.
This year, every break I got from school, I would come home and
make something almost everyday just because I didn't have a kitchen
to use at school. I usually just search things on allrecipies.com, look
through cookbooks, or get recipes from friends.
Today I was looking for something to make for my mom's birthday
next week and found a bunch of new things I want to try.
Every time I make something new, I get more experience and
I get better and better at cooking.
Hopefully one day I can be really good at it. :)
Or at least be able to make a bunch of really good meals.
I've had my fair share of horror stories in the kitchen though.
I tried three different granola bar recipes before I found a good one
and when I tried to make hummus once, it wasn't even close to edible.
Also, one time I tried to make cream puffs and they looked so gross.
But I can make some good spinach cheese puffs
and a bunch of good desserts.
I'm looking forward to making some actual meals in the coming weeks
instead of just desserts. I hope the swelling from getting my
wisdom teeth out doesn't last long,
so I can chew all the things I want to make.
always love,
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